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Jamon Tutorial - 4. Escaping Text

Templates usually construct text in a structured language such as HTML or XML, or even URLs. Each of these languages has restrictions on allowed characters or sequence of characters. Escaping modifies a string to adhere to the rules of the particular language in which the string will be expressed.

Rules for escaping text

  1. Static content In general, any characters appearing in a template are output literally, whitespace included. One notable exception is that if a newline is preceded by a backslash, then neither the newline nor the backslash are output.
  2. Emit statements The value of a java expression can be emitted by enclosing the expression in <%...%> pairs, e.g.
    <% person.getFirstName().substring(0,10) %>

     Note that there must be at least one whitespace character following the <%

    Before a Java expression is emitted, the string that represents it is escaped. The usual default escaping mechanism is HTML, so for example the following template

    this <% "&" %> that
    this &amp; that
    However different escaping mechanisms can be specified in the template itself. A string can be emitted with no escaping as follows:
    this <% "&" #n %> that
    this & that
    The available escaping mechanism are
    • HTML (use #h in the emit block) -- produces output suitable for inclusion in the body of HTML elements
    • Strict HTML (use #H in the emit block) -- produces output suitable for use as an HTML attribute value (it is similar to HTML escaping but also escapes quotes and apostrophes)
    • XML (use #x in the emit block)
    • URL (use #u in the emit block)
    • None (use #n in the emit block)

  3. Setting the default escaping mechanism The default escaping rule for a template is HTML. This default can be changed for a particular template by using the directive <%escape #?>.


Suppose the template EscapingTemplateA.jamon contains
  String name = "Somebody";
  String greeting;
    <% greeting %> <% name %> <br />

If this template is called by the java code EscapingTut4a.java:

import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;

public class EscapingTut4a {
  public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
    new EscapingTemplateA()
      .setName("Duke & Co.")
      .render(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out), "Hello");
Then the output of the template's render method will be
    Hello Duke &amp; Co. <br />

In contrast, if the template EscapingTemplateB.jamon containing

<%escape #n>

  String name = "Somebody";
  String greeting;

    <% greeting %> <% name %> <br />

is called by the java code EscapingTut4b.java:

import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;

public class EscapingTut4b {
  public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
    new EscapingTemplateB()
      .setName("Duke & Co.")
      .render(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out), "Hello");
Then the output of the template's render method will be
    Hello Duke & Co. <br />
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